Edited on May 23rd, 2024

Record of processing activities of personal data and rights of subjects

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016

The controller and data protection officer

Eduix Ltd. (1059087-6)
Hämeenkatu 17 A 16
Privacy policy

Representative of the controller:
Rami Heinisuo

Data protection officer:
Sirpa Pajula

Purposes of processing

Data is used when responding to requests for contact.

Basis for the processing

Consent, EU 679/2016, Art. 6.1 a

  • The data subject has freely given specific, informed and explicit consent to the processing of personal data

Description of the categories of data subjects and categories of personal data

If a respodent requested contact:

  • name

  • phone number

  • e-mail address

The groups to which personal data have been or will be disclosed

Designated employees working in sales.

Information on the transfer of personal data to third countries or international organisations

Data is not transferred to third countries or international organizations.

Data storage

Personal data is stored until they are no longer needed for contacting the sender. After that they are deleted.

Description of technical and organisational security measures

Messages are sent through the E-lomake service by Eduix Ltd. The service is browser-based and used on servers that are administrated by Eduix. The servers are located in a locked and access monitored data center in Finland. Only designated persons are allowed to access the servers.

Access to the service is restricted with personal user credentials and permissions granted to them.

Transfer of data between the service and the user is secured (https). Relevant logs about the use of the service are saved. Unsuccessful actions are saved in an error log that clearly shows the error type and the related data. Logs are also stored in regards to users whose use permission has ended. Logs cannot be edited.

Data are backed up daily. The service is prepared for systematic disruptions and attacks.

Rights of the data subject

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